Intolerance Test Basic


Nowadays, various intolerances are becoming more and more frequent due to the continuous changes in people’s diet and lifestyles (fast food, little exercise, etc.). A number of symptoms, such as headaches, stomach cramps or skin diseases, are a serious burden on the everyday life of people. People often find it difficult to see a doctor, which means that we simply accept the daily health complaints. That leads to a vicious circle, because the symptoms mentioned have an effect on both the physical and mental health.

EAN: 0602343107813


1. Order in our online shop
2. Fill out the online questionnaire & submission form
3. Take the hair/nail sample
4. Ship your sample by postal mail, fast and easy
5. A detailed analysis is conducted quickly
6. Receive your comprehensible result by email

To avoid unpleasant physical limitations, you should understand and support your body to keep it healthy. For your daily life, it is important to know which foods your body is able to process properly and which (non-)food elements your body is unable to tolerate.

The state-of-the-art intolerance test from Vitascreen tests you for 300 elements, including flowering plants, animal hair, vegetables, nuts, dairy products, and many other (non-)food groups. What is especially convenient about our test is that you can manage it from the comfort of your own home. You will then be able to adjust your life according to the results, so that you and your body feel good in the long term!

Designation Group Designation Group
Blütenpflanzen A Gemüse N
Sträucher B Getreideprodukte O
Bäume C Obst P
Material D Gewürze Q
Gräser/Kräuter E Fette R
Sonder F Getränke S
Tierhaare G Molkereiprodukte T
Getreide H Nüsse U
Diverse I Eiweiss tierisch und pflanzlich V
Metall J Fleisch W
Gräser/Kräuter K Sonder X
Meeresfrüchte/Fisch L Nüsse Y
Süßmittel M

Auszug der Stoffliste

Bezeichnung G Bezeichnung G
Ahorn (Acer sepp.)  – A Hund  – G
Aluminium  – B Hundszahngras (Cynodon dactylon)  – E
Apfelbaum  – C Hyazinthe (Endymion non scriptus)  – A
Aster  – A Jakobskreuzkraut (Senecio jacobaea)  – E
Baumwolle  – D Jasmin (Philadelphus spp.)  – B
Beifuß (Artemisia vulgaris)  – E Johannisbeer  – B
Birken  – C Kamille (Matricaria chamomilla)  – A
Birnbaum  – C Kammgras (Cynosurus cristatus)  – E
Breitwegerich  – E Kanarienvogel  – G
Brennessel (Urtica dioica)  – E Kaninchen  – G
Brombeer  – B Kastanie (Aesculus hippocastanum)  – C
Buche (Fagus silvatica)  – C Katze  – G
Chrysantheme (C. morifolium)  – A Kiefer (Pinus spp.)  – C
Dahlie (Dahlia hybrida)  – A Kirsche  – C
Distel  – E Klee (Triofolium spp.)  – A
Eiche (Quercus robur)  – C Knäulgras (Dactylis glomerata)  – E
Entenfedern  – G Kunststoffe  – D
Erdbeere  – B Kupfer  – J
Erle (Alnus glutinosa)  – C Laktose (Milchzucker)  – I
Esche (Fraxinus excelsior)  – C Leder  – D
Espe (Populus tremula)  – C Liguster (Ligustrum spp.)  – B
Fichte (Picea abies)  – C Linde europ. (Tilia europea)  – C
Flieder (Syringa vulgaris)  – B Lupinie (Lupinus polyphyllus)  – A
Flughafer (Avena fatua)  – E Lärche  – C
Formaldehyd  – D Löwenzahn (Taraxum duplidens)  – E
Gerste (Hordeum vulgare)  – H Margarite (Leucanthemum vulgare)  – A
Glaskraut (Parietaria judaica)  – E Maus  – G
Glatthafer  – E Meerschwein  – G
Gliadin (Weizen-Roggen-Gluten)  – I Melde (Artiplex spp.)  – E
Gold  – J Mistel  – C
Goldhamster  – G Narzisse (Narcissus spp.)  – A
Goldlack (Cheiranthus cheiri)  – A Neubelgische Aster (aster novi belgii)  – A
Goldregen (Laburnum anagyroides)  – C Nickel  – J
Goldrute (Solidago virgaurea)  – A Nylon  – D
Gummi  – D Pappel (Populus spp.)  – C
Gänsefedern  – G Pferd  – G
Gänsefuß (Chenopodium album)  – E Und viele mehr
Hafer (Avena sativa)  – H
Hahnenfuß  – A
Hahnenfuß (Ranculus spp.)  – E
Hainbuche (Carpinus betulus)  – C
Hasel (Corylus avellana)  – B
Heide (Calluna vulgaris)  – A
Heidelbeer  – B
Histamin (aus der Nahrung)  – I
Holunder (Sambucus nigra)  – B
Honiggras (Holcus lanatus)  – E
Hopfen (Humulus lupulus)  – E

For us it, is important that the result of your personal analysis is self-explanatory and presented in detail. We therefore present the results in an easily understandable way, so that you can individually adjust your diet and other daily habits. From the results, you can see exactly which foods and non-food elements your body is not optimally tolerating. You will also receive useful information about the various intolerances, such as possible symptoms. Information about interactions with other nutrients and the effects of the nutrients can be requested separately.

The Vitascreen process used is not the same as laboratory diagnostics. Instead, the laboratory carries out a quantum physical comparison. Like homeopathy, acupuncture and other methods of special therapeutic approaches, our method of analysis also belongs to the field of complementary medicine. Our method is recognized as a proven diagnostic method within the field of special therapeutic approaches. In orthodox medicine and its scientific research, however, our method of analysis is not recognized.

The Vitascreen micronutrient analyses test exclusively for the requirement of the respective element in percent (stress parameters are excluded). In your results of the Vitascreen intolerance tests, all parameters are hidden that have not reacted beyond the threshold value. This allows us to present your result in a way that is easily comprehensible. It is not possible to view the complete list of parameters.


The Vitascreen micronutrient analyses/intolerance tests are not medical products. All customers are fully responsible for themselves and their actions. No liability is assumed for economic or personal damage. The Vitascreen micronutrient analyses/incompatibility tests do not replace a medical diagnosis by a doctor or alternative practitioner, and therefore do not constitute a complete replacement for medical treatment.

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