Intolerance test for pets


Pets can also suffer from various intolerances. The various symptoms affect the animals’ physical as well as mental health. It is therefore essential to understand their bodies and support them. You should find out which foods your pet is able to process properly and which (non-)food elements it is unable to tolerate.

EAN: 0602343107820
SKU: 23837


1. Order in our online shop
2. Fill out the online questionnaire & submission form
3. Take the hair/nail sample
4. Ship your sample by postal mail, fast and easy
5. A detailed analysis is conducted quickly
6. Receive your comprehensible result by email

To avoid unpleasant physical limitations of your pets, you should understand and support their body to keep it healthy. It is important to know which foods your pet is able to process properly and which (non-)food elements it is unable to tolerate.

The extensive, state-of-the-art intolerance test from Vitascreen tests your pet for flowering plants, vegetables, nuts, dairy products, and many other food groups. Thanks to the test results, you will be able to improve the life of your pet so that it will feel good in the long term! By the way: You can manage the entire process of improving your pet’s daily life from the comfort of your own home!

Laktose (Milchzucker) Sonder  – X
Roggen Getreide  – H
Weizen (Triticum aestivum) Getreide  – H
Brokkoli Gemüse  – N
Butter Molkereiprodukte  – T
Eigelb Eiweiss tierisch und pflanzlich  – V
Eiweiß Eiweiss tierisch und pflanzlich  – V
Ente Fleisch  – W
Erbsen Gemüse  – N
Fisch (allgemein) Meeresfrüchte/Fisch  – L
Gans Fleisch  – W
Hafer Getreideprodukte  – O
Hanföl Fette  – R
Hase Fleisch  – W
Hefe Getreideprodukte  – O
Hirsch Fleisch  – W
Hirse Getreideprodukte  – O
Huhn Fleisch  – W
Kalb Fleisch  – W
Karotte Gemüse  – N
Kartoffel Gemüse  – N
Kokosöl Fette  – R
Lachs Meeresfrüchte/Fisch  – L
Lamm Fleisch  – W
Leber (Lamm) Fleisch  – W
Leber (Rind) Fleisch  – W
Leber (Schwein) Fleisch  – W
Linse Gemüse  – N
Mais Gemüse  – N
Maismehl Getreideprodukte  – O
Milch Molkereiprodukte  – T
Petersilie Gräser/Kräuter  – E
Pferd Fleisch  – W
Pute Fleisch  – W
Reis Getreideprodukte  – O
Rind Fleisch  – W
Rote Bete Gemüse  – N
Schafsmilch Molkereiprodukte  – T
Schwein (gekocht) Fleisch  – W
Sesam Getreideprodukte  – O
Soja Eiweiss tierisch und pflanzlich  – V
Sonnenblumenöl Fette  – R
Thunfisch Meeresfrüchte/Fisch  – L
Zuccini Gemüse  – N

For us it, is important that the result of the analysis is self-explanatory and presented in detail. We therefore present the results in an easily understandable way, so that you can individually adjust your pet’s diet and other daily habits. From the results, you can see exactly which intolerances your pet suffers from. You will also receive useful information about the various intolerances, such as possible symptoms. Information about interactions with other nutrients and the effects of the nutrients can be requested separately.

The Vitascreen process used is not the same as laboratory diagnostics. Instead, the laboratory carries out a quantum physical comparison. Like homeopathy, acupuncture and other methods of special therapeutic approaches, our method of analysis also belongs to the field of complementary medicine. Our method is recognized as a proven diagnostic method within the field of special therapeutic approaches. In orthodox medicine and its scientific research, however, our method of analysis is not recognized.

The Vitascreen micronutrient analyses test exclusively for the requirement of the respective element in percent (stress parameters are excluded). In your results of the Vitascreen intolerance tests, all parameters are hidden that have not reacted beyond the threshold value. This allows us to present your result in a way that is easily comprehensible. It is not possible to view the complete list of parameters.

The Vitascreen micronutrient analyses/intolerance tests are not medical products. All customers are fully responsible for themselves and their actions. No liability is assumed for economic or personal damage. The Vitascreen micronutrient analyses/incompatibility tests do not replace a medical diagnosis by a doctor or alternative practitioner, and therefore do not constitute a complete replacement for medical treatment. Medical diagnoses may only be made by physicians.

If you experience a medical emergency, please call your physician or the emergency number immediately!